Case Study : Simple Sukoon Data Analysis
By Shaurya Singh Bhati
This is a hypothetical company which has two brands - SS and One.
They provide goods in the line of clothing and home decor.
I come from a non-programming background and this project is my first attempt at mysql and power BI project-work.
I sourced the data for this project from github.
The data was originally set for a retail company selling electronic goods. But, I edited some of the data in excel and then edited majority of data in mysql on Bigquery on Google cloud console.
Below in the table of contents I have specified what this post contains.
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Please leave a review or feedback as it would really help improve my work.
Table of contents :
About the Company
Power BI
About the Company
SimpleSukoon is a company providing clothes and home-decor products.
I put together a report based on the data by first formulating a few KPIs, then used those KPIs to formulate queries in sql to find their answers.
Then in order to convey my findings more clearly and efficiently, I used Power BI desktop to create a report containing visualizations.
Excel :
First, I browsed the data properly in Excel. I read all the column names and the different sheets.
Then, I ascertained the schema of how all these sheets were connected.
Then I edited some minor values in the data like changed the brand name, products name and mrp values.
I had to save each sheet as a separate csv file so that I could import it locally as a table on Bigquery sql.
In Bigquery SQL workspace on Google cloud console I first created a project simplesukoon.
In that I created a new dataset and then added tables to it.
To add tables I imported my locally saved csv files from my computer, one by one and named the tables properly for easier reference in queries.
I wrote the query to check and remove for any null values n the data.
I checked for any negative values, which were 50 rows but they were related to the return order type category.
So I couldn't remove it as that was also a good part of my data analysis to know how much products were returned and what cost it incurred.
Then I wrote down the following points to base my queries on based on the data:
Total Value of orders​
Total no. of orders
Most sold product
The different earning distribution of the products and their brands
Rate of repeat customers
No. of returned orders
City, Pincode with the highest orders
Most used mode of payment
Highest no. of deliveries by which delivery guy
Then I saved two results from the above queries as csv tables to use as datasets in power bi and I imported the created csv tables into my current dataset. This made it easier to create a live connection of my dataset to my report in Power BI.
Link to my github profile for all the queries.
Imported the necessary tables from the dataset simplesukoon by connecting to the sql server of google Bigquery.
After importing the data created a new report.
Then connected the tables from the managed relationships tab.
In the new report after renaming it to simplesukoon report I started adding my visuals.
Before adding my visuals I first tried my hand with their Q&A feature but it still needs a little more work to handle complex results.
Then I added visuals, formatted their design, played around with a few more calculations and variables from the data. Then, removed those that didn't really helped the visual reporting aspect.
Then I saved the report by publishing it in the Power Bi server.
But, to add it as viewable link in my portfolio project i saved the report on the Power BI service as a dashboard and from the file tab used embed feature to share a link here.​